
O seu fórum brasileiro sobre o Yanni
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 Post subject: A primeira vez que o vi e ouvi....
PostPosted: 20 Jul 2011, 21:47 

Joined: 20 Jul 2011, 11:57
Posts: 4
Aconteceu em 2002.
Estava na casa de um amigo, numa festa de fim de ano, quando ao final de todas as trocas de presentes entre nós, ouvi aquela música de extraordinária melodia enchendo os meus ouvidos (e eu posso falar com propriedade, pois estudei 12 anos de piano clássico, tendo diploma de teoria e harmonia musical)....
Quando entrei na sala, estava a imagem na tv do DVD "Tribute", com ele, magnífico, com seus músicos executando "Deliverance"... Foi amor à primeira vista!!!! Nunca tinha ouvido falar nele...
Pronto. Aí, saí buscando na internet quem era, como poderia conseguir saber maiores informações, comprar seus DVDs e CDs, enfim.... Me apaixonei por ele e por tudo o que ele faz.....

 Post subject: Re: A primeira vez que o vi e ouvi....
PostPosted: 21 Jul 2011, 09:49 
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Joined: 24 Jan 2011, 17:30
Posts: 69
Location: São Paulo - Brazil
Olá Fátima

Obrigada por nos contar sua história! Não sabia dessa sua veia artística e tão profundos conhecimentos musicais!
você tem razão, suas melodias chamam a atenção de todos aos primeiros acordes. A qualidade e refinamento dos acordes e a perfeita combinação de instrumentos são absolutamente perfeitos!

E que bom que por meio deste artista completo estamos nos conhecendo melhor e ampliando nosso círculo de amigos, não é mesmo! Niki Nana!!!

um grande abraço e espero ver postada aquela sua história do papel de parede... :D

obrigada novamente,

Alba from Brazil

Yanni official website: www.yanni.com

 Post subject: Re: A primeira vez que o vi e ouvi....
PostPosted: 12 Aug 2011, 18:49 

Joined: 11 Aug 2011, 20:54
Posts: 7
"Reflections of Passion" is the first song I ever heard of YANNI's. I was very ill, and my life was difficult. Even taking a shower was an experience. I would put the radio on and listen to music when ever I needed to do a difficult task. One day while I was standing under the soothing water of the shower "Reflections of Passion" came on the radio. At first it gave me chills because it was so beautiful, now I always have YANNI's music in my soul, it has become a part of me, because it saved me. That was around 1991-92.

On July 3, 1995 my husband drove almost three hours to take me to Atlantic City to see Yanni in concert. This was not easy for me. I had been very ill for around three years.
Yanni’s music helped me get through so many nights when I did not think I would see another day. So…when he came on stage my heart flew up into my throat and stayed there all night. The colors of the lights, the enchanting music; and I was there to see it. I will always remember and treasure that night.
On the way home, with only the light from the glove box, I wrote the following Tribute to Yanni. I hope you like it.

“Tribute to Yanni”

I saw a Grecian God this night,
A deity enrobed in white.
Is this a demigod; despite,
or earthly paragon alight?
Noble he moved before my sight,
to this, but humble nymph's delight.

The breathing of Zephyrus stirs,
the sweetness of the lavender,
crowned gently by rose scent and myrrh.
The heart of Eros did astir,
the winged eagle of Jupiter,
onto this love starved passenger.

Much Love through Yanni!

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