Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni.
Vale mensagem escrita, foto, link de vídeos no Youtube. O que sua imaginação mandar

Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Postby Alba from Brazil » 16 Oct 2011, 22:38


Como todos sabem , dia 14 de Novembro é aniversário do Yanni e nós do YannInsideBrazil queremos celebrar essa data junto com você, fã brasileiro.

Gostaríamos de ver sua mensagem postada aqui neste fórum de forma que no dia 14 de Novembro possamos enviar o link com todas as mensagens para o Yanni.

Vale mensagem de texto, imagem, vídeo no Youtube. O que sua imaginação mandar!

Se você ainda não é cadastrado em nosso fórum, basta preencher o cadastro e ao receber nossa comunicação em seu endereço de e-mail você já poderá enviar sua mensagem!

Participe! Vai ser divertido e emocionante poder partilhar seus votos de Feliz Aniversário, Yanni!! Que acham?

Obrigada e esperamos por seu post!
Alba from Brazil
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Re: Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Postby Fernanda » 21 Oct 2011, 14:51

Dearest Yanni,

Happy Birthday! I wish your new journey will be wonderful, full of peace, love, health, happiness and success. Remember you are very important to us, and I´d like to give you today all the wonderful things. I´d like to do for you the same things you do to me and the fans around the world.
Your music and smile touch our soul. You are an Angel in our life
Be happy because you are a very special person!
Happy birthday! Feliz Aniversário!
Kisses from Brazil
Fernanda Salles
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Re: Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Postby heidi » 02 Nov 2011, 14:26

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Re: Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Postby Marisa Moscon » 07 Nov 2011, 10:21


Have a wonderful day with your family and friends.
And may God bless you always with health and protection in your trips.
Your musics are so beautiful and make me happy in many moments of my life (since 1996).
You are an amazing and very special person too.
Be happy always !!!
Hugs from Brazil
Marisa Moscon
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Re: Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Postby PalomaCorreia » 09 Nov 2011, 23:06


Your songs were something that came into our lives and I will carry them for the rest of it! Whenever people ask me what I feel while listening to your songs I just don't know what to answer because there is no words to say how I feel ... It's something unexplainable, they make me feel so good... They are simply wonderful...
I thank God that you have never given up your dreams because ''Dreams do come true'' as you always said.
You are a man blessed and gratified to have a huge amount of fans around the world who adore you and want the best in your life because you changed ours of a very special way.
I thank you for how special you are, not only for me but for many people who admire your way of being and by the enormous affection that you give us (your fans).
You are unique and that is what makes you special.
I wish you a Happy Birthday with all the good that exists! God bless you!!!
With all love from a huge fan,

Paloma Correia from Brazil.
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Happy Birthday Yanni!

Postby Regina » 11 Nov 2011, 23:54

I have been following your career for just one year and it's amazing how loved you are, and it's deserved.
I put it down not only to your marvellous songs, but also to your luminous soul. You are special. We can feel this through your eyes and smile. The more I know you the more I like you. You really touch people's life in a special way. It's a pleasure to be your fan.
On 14 November is your Birthday. A new year is beginning for you, so MAKE A WISH AND IT WILL COME TRUE! After all, you deserve all the best in your life!
I prepared three videos to celebrate your birthday. I hope you like them!
kisses from Brazil
Regina Muliterno
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Re: Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Postby Alice » 13 Nov 2011, 21:02

Happy Birthday Dear Yanni, i wish u a wonderful birthday, have fun celebrating, knowuing that all of your fans around the world are with you, we are all happy for you and we will be sending you lots of love all day long, God bless you Yanni, love you
Alice Mantovani
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Re: Deixe aqui sua mensagem de aniversário para o Yanni

Postby PATYIASTRENSKI » 13 Nov 2011, 22:34

Dear Yanni,

Today is a great day. It's a day more that special. It's your birthday. The fans of the world whole applaud you that is much more of the that a musician very talented: you are a person that knew captivate all with your charism and your sympathy. I and more two friends (Fátima and Ana Paula) did this video for demonstrate our kindness and how much we love you. And also for show like you joy us and inspire us.

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Do YannInsideBrazil para Yanni - De seus fãs de todo o mundo

Postby Alba from Brazil » 13 Nov 2011, 23:14

Dear Yanni,

This year, my wish was to show how many dreams came true because of you.
This video shows a little what I mean.

We, our fans from all over the world wish you the best of life.

Thank you for sharing your precious resources with us.

Happy Birthday.
Alba from Brazil
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Happy Birthday Yanni - From Cristiane Yanni - Brazil

Postby Alba from Brazil » 14 Nov 2011, 00:03

Alba from Brazil
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Alba from Brazil
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